What is 4-H Council

4-H Council is an organization made up of youth and adult representatives
from each 4-H club.
Council Members:
1. The number of council members per 4-H club varies according to club membership.
The minimum number of council members from each club is two plus the club president;
the maximum number of members is one council member for each seven club members,
plus the club president. Each will have one vote. We recommend council members be
at least 14 years old or the oldest 4-Hers in the club.
2. 4-H Community leaders.
3. County Extension Agents.

They plan 4-H activities & events that take place at the county level.
4-H Council serves as a "Learning Laboratory" for youth to learn a variety of
leadership skills.

They plan & coordinate county wide activities such as 4-H Club Day, Achievement
Banquet, Officer Training, parade floats, and are empowered to raise and disburse
funds for such activities.

The 4-H Council is not a policy setting body nor does it approve the focus of
Extension 4-H Youth Development programming.

4-H Council Representatives have these responsibilities:

  • Know the club members you represent
  • Attend all 4-H Council meetings
  • Represent the opinions of your club
  • Report back to your 4-H Club
  • Work on council activities

4-H Council meetings are generally held the second Monday in these

  • November (election of officers)
  • January
  • March
  • May
  • September

Council Links

May 10 4-H Council Agenda